Hello Lovelies ♥
Me was a diligent Bambi today and I finished lots of work I collected during the last weeks this morning. So I decided to make a little pause and tell you some more things happend this week in my life!
On thursday there was our 'christmas dining' from university with all students of the IBM East Asia! It was really nice and funny, I enjoyed myself a lot.
My outfit for the dining.
Sorry for the lack of light, but three of four of my
bulbs broke last week and I couldn't buy news.
There was a huge buffet with 'All-you-can-eat', but I chosed the menu because I knew that I wouldn't eat for 17€ - that's more than I would eat in a whole week I guess. But as I am an evil girl, I asked one of the guys to bring me some sushi from the buffet ♥ I absolutely fall for sushi with vegetables (*_*) One of my favourite food ever.
That's what I ordered!
Glass noodles with vegetables ♥
My food was quite delicious, too. Although I only ate... I don't know half of the dish because it was too much. I'm not used to such huge 'restaurant servings'. lol
desert ♥
They were filled with sweet red beans.
Me was the first one leaving I guess, because I haven't slept the night - due to the concert- and the day, too -due to university- so I was really tired as you can imagine. But I wasn't as dead as I had expected it to be to be honest. Nevertheless I overslept on friday (^///^)
Random picture
But now I have to study loads of things (;_;)
I prepared everything for japanese class I guess, but there are so many others still missing... Although I already read through most of the stuff while travelling last week, but that comes in another entry ♥
Take care of you ♥